Monday, August 27, 2007

Maximize/Restore button

Clicking the Maximize button expands the window to full-screen size (a quick way to hide other windows
that may be distracting you). When the window is full-screen size, the Maximize button turns into the
Restore button. To return the window to its previous size, click the Restore button.
Closing versus Minimizing a Window
Think of minimizing a window as taking some document on a real desktop and sliding it into a desk
drawer. The document is not cluttering your desk anymore, but it is within easy reach. Just click the
document’s taskbar button, and you’re back in action. Closing a window, on the other hand, is more like
putting a real folder back in the file cabinet. You still can get back to the document when you want it, but
you’ll need to restart the program from scratch, at which point it opens up with no document. Then you
need to open the document you want to work with using options on the program’s File menu, as
discussed in Chapter 3.
From a technical standpoint, closing a window has two advantages: It frees the memory (RAM) the
program was using, and it gives you an opportunity to save your work. Minimizing a window does
neither of those; it just shrinks the window to a taskbar button to get it out of the way for the moment.
Tip You also can double-click an open window’s title bar to maximize or restore it.
