Sunday, August 12, 2007

To right-click

an item means to point to it and then press and release the secondary (mouse)
If you find yourself in unfamiliar territory, try clicking some neutral area of the desktop, or
pressing the trusty Escape key (sometimes labeled Esc or Cancel on your keyboard) to back
out of the situation.
To get help in Windows, press the F1 key or click the Start button and choose Help and
To close any window that’s taking up space on your screen, click its Close button (marked with
an X and always in the upper-right corner of the window.)
Before leaving your PC for any length of time, you should either log off or shut down the
computer using options available at the bottom of the Start menu.
If you’re asked about saving any work in progress while logging off or shutting down, choose
Yes unless you’re sure you haven’t completed any work worth saving.
