Saturday, June 30, 2007

Figure 1-5:

The Windows XP desktop, from which all your journeys begin.
The desktop will be your home base for everything you do on the computer. Any other programs you
start might temporarily cover the desktop. When you exit such a program, however, you’ll be taken right
back to the desktop. The desktop is always there, even if it’s currently covered by something else.
The desktop gets its name from the fact that it plays the same role as your “real” desktop. If your real
desktop looks anything like mine, it might be so covered with junk that you can hardly even see it. But
that doesn’t mean your desk has ceased to exist. Once you clear off some of the junk and put away
some of the papers, your real desktop will still be there. The same holds true for the Windows desktop
that’s now (hopefully) visible on your screen.
