Monday, June 18, 2007


To point to an item and then press and release the primary mouse button.
Double-click: To point to an item and then click the primary mouse button twice in rapid
succession — click click!
Right-click: To point to an item and then press and release the secondary mouse button.
Drag: To hold down the primary mouse button while moving the mouse.
Right-drag: To hold down the secondary mouse button while moving the mouse.
Windows XP is geared toward two-button mouse operation. If your mouse has a little wheel in the
middle, you can use that for scrolling, as discussed in Chapter 2. If your mouse has three buttons on it,
you can ignore the button in the middle for now. I’ll show you how you can get some hands-on
experience using your mouse in a moment.
If you’re a lefty, you can configure a mouse for left-hand use. Doing so makes the button on the right the
primary mouse button and the button on the left the secondary mouse button (so your index finger is still
over the primary mouse button). Chapter 15 provides instructions for switching your mouse buttons
around for left-handed use.
